Messages from JDDW2017 Meetings' & Congress' Presidents

The 55th General Meeting of the Japanese Society
of Gastrointestinal Cancer Screening
President: Masashi Oka
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Saitama Medical Center,
Saitama Medical University

Masashi Oka

My name is Masashi Oka of Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology in Saitama Medical Center at Saitama Medical University. I have been appointed president of the 55th General Meeting of the prestigious Japanese Society of Gastrointestinal Cancer Screening (JSGCS), which is held as part of the JDDW conference, which is one of the largest conferences in Japan. I feel the weight of responsibility, and simultaneously, I cannot thank my predecessors enough for providing me with thoroughgoing guidance. When I was offered this position, I thought I was a little young to perform it. But I changed my mind because of the importance of gastric cancer screening in Japan. In the last one or two years, a screening method for gastric cancer risk (ABC(D) method) using blood samples has spread rapidly nationwide, but has also given rise to various problems such as measuring Helicobacter pylori antibody titers in blood samples. Gastric cancer screening by endoscopy has been supported by the national health authority. This theme has become very significant, and at the same time, it can be said that we are at a turning point. In this regard, this Meeting will be very important in order to decide the direction of future gastric cancer screening.

Taking the above into account, I have decided that I may have a role to play by accepting the offer to be president of the 55th General Meeting.

JDDW offers an ideal opportunity where not only the JSGCS members but also those from different societies interested in gastrointestinal cancer screening can freely take part. What is more, there are many participants who had no interest in gastrointestinal cancer screening before entered the field of gastrointestinal cancer screening since JDDW has acted as a catalyst in encouraging them. The JSGCS programs have been designed to build a bridge between such participants and our Society’s authoritative figures and young members.

The main theme is “Deliver the achievement of the science of gastrointestinal cancer screening to the public.” With this main theme, two Theme Sessions are planned: “Proposals of the proper management of ‘High-Risk diagnosis systems’ for gastric cancer screening” and “Advances in studies on screening tests for colorectal cancer.” I believe these themes are of interest to many physicians and researchers, and I sincerely hope that there will be many participants. The JSGCS general sessions still have more chances to grow; therefore, I would also like to encourage interested individuals to submit abstracts for the general sessions.

Lastly, I look forward to seeing many presentations and participants at the Meeting, and I hope your attendance will lead to further development of the science of gastric cancer screening.

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